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C2 Advanced Content - October 15, 2025

with David Kaminker

Starts Oct 15
225 US dollars
Hidden Springs Wellness Center, 1651 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR 97520

Available spots

Service Description

Visionary Craniosacral Work® 2 – Advanced Content Class Visionary Craniosacral Work® with the Second Cervical Vertebra In this one-day, eight-hour class students will focus on the anatomy, physiology and manual therapy techniques as applied to C2, the axis. This study will encompass bone and soft-tissue landmarks, building outwards from the axis, to include the upper cervical spinal domain, the mediastinum, the cranial base bone structures, and the Myodural Bridge. Students will learn the basic formations involved in the embryology of the vertebral column, noting the differentiation of ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm in the emergence of the primitive streak. Building on the understanding of embryological development and ossification chronology, we will study the relationship of the axis to the spinal dura and the brainstem. There are six ways in which C2 is important in craniosacral work and in the human body: 1 – It is the anchor vertebra that acts as the osseous fulcrum of the ‘Myodural Bridge’ that includes the suboccipital musculature, the connective tissue attachments from ligamentum nuchae to the spinal dura mater, and the spinal dura connection to the axis. The attachments between ligamentum nuchae and the rectus capitus posterior major and the spinal dura occur between vertebrae C1 – C2, and between the occiput and the atlas, C1. The bony interrelationships include the connection of the axis to the mediastinum, and the insertion of the mediastinum into the temporal, occipital and sphenoid bones. 2 – Rectus capitus posterior major, inferior oblique and the ligamentum nuchae all attach to the axis and play a crucial role in tension type, migraine and cluster headache, in addition playing a lesser role in vertigo, whiplash injury and generalized neck pain. 3 — Longus capitus, longus collis and all three (sometimes four) scalene muscles have origins at C2. Students will deepen their understanding of how the anterior and lateral cervical musculature, including longus capitus, longus collis and the scalene group help stabilize cervical spine function, particularly after whiplash injury. Facilitating the return of optimum muscular balance at C2 helps these muscles find balance, which can be beneficial in shoulder-arm-hand syndrome, rotator cuff injury, frozen shoulder, and asthma. *8 CEUs - NCBTMB approved

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

We require a non-refundable deposit for each class, with the remainder due not later than 28 days prior to the first day of class. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure their payment and contact information is up to date with David Kaminker at the time of final payment to secure the student’s class space. Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable. Final payments are non-refundable and non-transferable for any reason, including travel difficulties, inclement weather, and medical or family emergency.

Contact Details


Suite 3 325 A Street, Ashland, OR, USA

325 A St Suite 3, Ashland, Oregon 97520 (541) 690-7328  © 2019 David Kaminker. All rights reserved. 

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