C3 - October 16-19, 2025
with Hugh Milne
Available spots
Service Description
Cranial 3 (C3), Practitioners Skills: Sculpting the Conscious Medium The “Practitioners Skills” are a combination of visionary, poetic, tactile and ceremonial ingredients that make up Visionary Craniosacral Work. Cranial 3 begins by interlacing meridian work and cranial work with a “Windows to the Sky” protocol. Windows To The Sky (WTTS) points are a series of acupressure or acupuncture points located on the upper arms, shoulders, chest, neck and cranial base that have been used since antiquity to help facilitate insight, flight to other realms, and the transition from sunlight to oceanic consciousness. They may also be used to help ease pain and discomfort. The use of WTTS points helps to refine touch, understand the energy body, and deepen intention. Governor and Earth (GE) is a name for a short sequence of techniques that involve deeper pressures to help open ‘bottlenecks’ in the body, places where the craniosacral wave is not flowing freely. GE techniques are introduced in this class to help the student practitioner respond to characterological armoring, restricted-movement body defenses, and to help the return of chi and shen to the dreambody. This includes working with hara, ming men, inferior gluteal fold, vertebra, and the posterior suboccipital muscles. At this level GE work interfaces in an elegant way with the WTTS work that begins this class. *32 CEUs - NCBTMB approved
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
We require a non-refundable deposit for each class, with the remainder due not later than 28 days prior to the first day of class. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure their payment and contact information is up to date with David Kaminker at the time of final payment to secure the student’s class space. Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable. Final payments are non-refundable and non-transferable for any reason, including travel difficulties, inclement weather, and medical or family emergency.
Contact Details
Suite 3 325 A Street, Ashland, OR, USA